Swiss Institute

New York, NY


The Swiss Institute (SI) is an independent non-profit contemporary art institution dedicated to promoting forward-thinking and experimental art making through innovative exhibitions, education, and programs. Committed to curatorial and educational excellence, SI serves as a platform for emerging artists, catalyzes new perspectives on celebrated work, and fosters appreciation for under-recognized positions. Since 1986, SI has been known for its innovative exhibitions, dedication to artists, and diverse public programs. Since relocating to NYC’s East Village in 2018, SI has quadrupled its annual attendance to over 50,000, acting as a cultural catalyst in a demographically diverse but underserved community. SI’s Education Initiative provides artist-led opportunities for families, teenagers, seniors, and carceral-involved individuals. In 2022, SI integrated climate action into all facets of its institution, including materials, shipping artworks, and incorporating ecological awareness with practitioners and suppliers.

This project is the continuation of a 2023 FCI Scoping Grant that provided SI with a comprehensive environmental feasibility study on its East Village facility by Environmental Resources Management (ERM) and Selldorf Architects. Building on its findings, the current project offers an artistic interpretation of some of these proposed plans, and provides a public-facing platform to share knowledge and findings. In 2024, SI will produce Energies, a neighborhood-wide exhibition, symposium, workshops, and events exploring renewable energy histories and technologies. Energies will unfold throughout SI and the neighborhood, involving various local organizations, to inspire new perspectives and real change in energy usage and climate action. The exhibition aims to attract 12,000 visitors and advance SI’s goal of implementing infrastructural changes for green energy solutions.

Banner: Courtesy Swiss Institute. Top: Activists participate in Cannupa Hanska Luger’s Mirror Shield Project, 2016. Sioux Standing Rock Indian Reservation outside Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Courtesy of the artist. Above: Haroon Mirza works, installation view, in the epoch of waves, 2022. Photo by Milena Wojhan. Courtesy max goelitz and the artist.


Steven Myron Holl Foundation / 'T' Space


Taft Museum of Art